A Teenagers guide to Adulthood

Step 1: Book your own appointments.

Step 2: When people knock on your door its socially acceptable to answer it, not call the police incase they are door to door murders instead of salesmen.

As an "adult" you can totally stare at Contemporary Art sculptures in forests and pretend you know what they mean

My first realisation that I was edging into adulthood was not when I began to drive or when I started university, but rather on a blissfully uneventful afternoon. I was sat on my bed – in my onsie – snack in one hand and scrolling on Tumblr with the other when my mum walked in and asked me to book my doctors appointment. That's when I knew. God forbid I let go of my childhood so soon; I stared at her in a panic until she walked off and called him herself.
But the scariest realisation I had was earlier this week, when I received a phone call in which a nice British man asked me whether I had considered my funeral plans…

Although my afternoons will no longer be filled with Arthur, Hannah Montana or In the Night Garden I have found there are some good things about nearing adulthood.

  1. The most obvious, you can actually do stuff with your life.
  2. It’s totally fine to be completely and utterly confused about what to actually do with your life. 
  3. It’s totally acceptable to be out till all hours of the morning.
  4. It’s totally acceptable to still have pyjamas days.

I feel as if I am at a happy medium. Yes, I don’t have the constraints I did when I was younger, but I’m also still too young to be dealing with bills, rent, existential crisis’ or my funeral plans.

One thing is for certain I have totally embraced this in-between stage.

I know this is a slightly different post, but I hope you enjoyed it! 

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